Diagnostic imaging

Diagnostic Imaging is a core service, supporting all other referral services as most of our patients will require some form of imaging. Depending on which part of the patient we need to take a closer look at, we will use these different imaging modalities. This equipment can facilitate a quick and accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, which can help speed up treatment when we know what condition/disease process we are dealing with.

Many of the CT and MRI images are sent to a team of specialist radiologists (Diplomates of the European or American Diagnostic Imaging Colleges (DipECVDI or DACVR) for interpretation, with a speedy reporting service.

We have a full range of advanced diagnostic equipment including:

  • Digital radiography (X-ray)
  • Computed Tomography (CT)
  • This can be useful in many areas of the body and is commonly used for:
    • Nasal and airway disease
    • Abdomen (Tumours, Ectopic ureters, Portosystemic shunts)
    • Oncology (Diagnosing and staging)
    • Middle ear disease
    • Joints (e.g. Humeral intracondylar fissures in Spaniels, elbow dysplasia in Labradors)
    • Complex fractures
    • Lumbosacral disease
    • Suspected foreign body (migrating grass seeds)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – weekly visiting scanner.
  • Commonly used for brain and spinal cord conditions:
    • Brain diseases (tumours, strokes, cranial nerve disorders, meningitis) and investigation of seizures.
    • Spinal disease (Intervertebral disc disease, tumours, fibrocartilagenous embolism)
  • Ultrasound
    • Abdominal and heart imaging
    • Intraocular and retrobulbar imaging
  • Laparoscopy/thoracoscopy
  • Arthroscopy – Used for joint investigations
  • Video endoscopy for gastrointestinal, bronchoscopy and rhinoscopy procedures.
  • We use PACS to store and view images