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We are pleased to report that the builders are in and they have been working tirelessly since April. The once empty building is finally starting to look like a referral hospital in the making. We went to visit the site today and saw the first part of the wall infrastructure that has been built. We were able to walk around the rooms that up until now we’ve only ever seen on paper.

It was so lovely to see our design finally starting to take shape and we surgeons also got to stand in what will be our theatres and I cannot tell you the excitement and dancing that took place! There is still a long way to go before Bridge Referrals is finished, but progress is definitely being made and we are so excited to see how it develops in the coming weeks, so watch this space…

It’s starting to take shape!

Lots of smiles all around and a paw of approval from Ernie, our first Bridge Referral’s puppy. Let’s hope he is just a spectator and doesn’t need our services in the future!!

This is Darren, our internal medic, standing in what is to be our sterilisation room. It really is that big!